Halloween Blood Orange Sangria – Because Adults Deserve Treats Too

Blood Orange Sangria 3

Happy Halloween!

I wanted to do something simple, but Halloween-inspired for the blog. I decided to play around with some flavors for sangria and settled on a sweet, citrusy, blood orange sangria with a hint of brandy. 

Blood Orange

If you have never had, or even heard of them before, blood oranges are a naturally occurring variation of oranges. They get their distinct color from anthocyanins (antioxidant pigments). Yay, antioxidants! So, technically, this blood orange sangria is like really healthy right…? Let’s just agree to that…

While they have the same recognizable citrus taste as more common sweet oranges, blood oranges also have a tart, raspberry-like flavor. 

Blood Orange and Lemons

In addition to the blood oranges, I also used lemons for more of that fresh citrus flavor. Next time, I think I’ll add raspberries as well. 

Sangria is traditionally made with brandy or rum in addition to the wine. I chose brandy here. I’m not a brandy connoisseur of any kind. I picked a middle shelf brandy for this since we are only using a small amount. 


This barely counts like an actual recipe to me because it is so easy. Slice the fruit, pour in brandy and wine, let sit. Serve with seltzer water. That’s it.

Blood Orange Sangria

But it’s the simplicity that makes it the perfect adults-only treat for ending your Halloween night. Kids enjoy their chocolate and gummy treasures, while the adults sip on this blood orange sangria. 

Sangria in Skeleton Cup

Depending on your preference, you may want to add a simple syrup for more sweetness. I used a sweet wine so I didn’t think it was necessary for me.

Halloween Blood Orange Sangria

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Blood Orange Sangria

Hope everyone has a good and safe holiday!

Halloween Blood Orange Sangria
Serves 4
Have a spooky good time with a glass of this blood orange sangria with a hint of brandy. Scarily simple to make! Perfect adults-only treat!
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Total Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 1 blood orange, sliced
  2. 2 lemons, sliced
  3. 1 (750 ml) fruity, sweet red wine (I used a red Moscato)
  4. 1/4 cup brandy
  5. Seltzer water, to taste
  1. Add the orange and lemon slices to a pitcher.
  2. Pour in brandy.
  3. Carefully pour in wine to avoid splashing.
  4. Refrigerate for several hours. The longer, the better the flavor.
  5. When ready to serve, pour sangria into individual glasses and top with a little seltzer water for some fizz.
  1. I used a tangerine flavored seltzer water for this. You can use any kind you want or use club soda, ginger ale, etc.
  2. Feel free to add in more fruits or include spices like cinnamon if desired.
  3. If your wine isn't sweet enough to your liking, add in some simple syrup.
Serenity Food https://serenityfood.com/
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